Jokes are us

A joke a day keeps the gloom away

Your daily dose of some of the funniest jokes & stories from around the world

A joke a day keeps the gloom away

Your daily dose of some of the funniest jokes and stories from around the world

Our Latest Jokes

Our Latest Jokes


skeleton wearing eyeglasses and blue collared topskeleton wearing eyeglasses and blue collared top
long-coated brown doglong-coated brown dog
bar LED signagebar LED signage
a group of people sitting around a table with drinksa group of people sitting around a table with drinks

Bar Jokes

Blonde Jokes

Oldie But Goodies

Relationship Jokes


Oldies But Goodies

Relationship Jokes

Bar Jokes

Blonde Jokes

bar LED signagebar LED signage
long-coated brown doglong-coated brown dog